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It’s that awkward time of year that doesn’t even have a name, past the holidays it hovers before spring. I am craving light, inspiration, levity! What I wouldn’t give to feel that precious warmth and sun’s rays on my skin right about now.

If you find yourself in a place of exhaustion, feeling blue, battled down by the status quo you may want some sunshine inside. With this tool, I created called a HAPPINESS KIT which holds two resources. I’m going to share the first one today which is called the today FEELING FIRST AID.

feeling first aid

This can be used to work through any challenging emotion or feeling that comes upon you. It can be very normal to feel uncomfortable with the darker, less expressed emotions and this guide will walk you through how to resolve that fear around these emotions. Basically, it will show you how you fully feel (emoting) and experience your emotions and release them. There are four steps to this process:

  • FEELING (the emotion you are feeling)

  • LIE (the worrisome thought or fear)

  • ANTIDOTE (the truth about the situation)

  • TOOL (what can you do to self-soothe)

Here is an example of how to use the FEELINGS FIRST AID.

STEP 1. Identify and name the undesired FEELING.

In our example: I am suddenly overcome with a feeling and the emotions of deep and encompassing sorrow that seems out of the blue. Physically, I feel a tightness in my throat and I feel as if I need to cry but I resist and feel a sense of fear.

STEP 2. What is the LIE? This is primary worrisome thought or fear that is related to the emotion or feeling above.

In our example: I’m afraid to feel the sadness because I might start crying and never be able to stop. I feel out of control and scared to express my emotions especially that of sadness.

STEP 3. ANTIDOTE: What is the truth? This is the opposite statement of the LIE.

In our example: It’s healthy to release emotions and not hold them inside. All emotions are okay to express. Everyone has experienced sadness and it always passes, I will not get stuck in any emotion. Holding emotions inside and not expressing them is what causes them to get stuck. 

STEP 4. TOOL (what can you do to self-soothe)? Ask yourself how you can nurture and support yourself right now? What would make you feel better?

In our example: I could watch some episodes that make me laugh like The Office. I could call a friend like my friend Tabi who makes me laugh; I could take my dog on a walk and be in nature. I could do an art project like paint or water color. 

Feel free to share these thoughts with a loved one and I hope you remember how truly bright you are today and everyday.

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